Resource Title: Rachelle Gardner
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Resource Title: Query Tracker
Summary: Full summary and detailed review coming soon (full summary, isn’t that an oxymoron?)!
Why authors should care about this resource: Because it ha
Resource Title: 1000 Literary Agents
Summary: Full summary and detailed review coming soon (full summary, isn’t that an oxymoron?)!
Why authors should care about this resource: Becaus
Resource Title: Dystel & Goderich Literary Management
Summary: Full summary and detailed review coming soon (full summary, isn’t that an oxymoron?)!
Why authors should care about
Resource Title: Everyone Who’s Anyone
Summary: Full summary and detailed review coming soon (full summary, isn’t that an oxymoron?)!
Why authors should care about this resource:
Resource Title: Literary Carrie
Summary: Full summary and detailed review coming soon (full summary, isn’t that an oxymoron?)!
Why authors should care about this resource: Because it
Resource Title: The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Summary: Full summary and detailed review coming soon (full summary, isn’t that an oxymoron?)!
Why authors should care about thi
Resource Title: Slushpile Hell
Summary: Full summary and detailed review coming soon (full summary, isn’t that an oxymoron?)!
Why authors should care about this resource: Because it h